
We have a library of over 150 products available online in multiple marketplaces including: Unity Asset Store, Unreal Engine Marketplace, Reallusion and, of course, our own PROTOFACTOR STORE.

Protofactor, Inc can also create custom 3D assets tailored to your needs. Contact us for a quote.

3D Printing:
In addition to providing you with high quality assets, we also sell 3D designs printable on a personal 3D printer or through a 3D printing service. Visit our store to check out our avaialble 3D printable models.

Private Classes And Workshop:
Have you always wanted to know how video game characters are created? Have you always wanted to create your own models or toys? Interested in learning to model and animate? We provide private classes for any individual who is motivated to learn all the necessary skills to create his own quality assets or 3D printable designs. Find out more about our upcoming 3D classes and workshops.