This pack is a complete and comprehensive human motion capture animations library destined to bipedal characters set to “Mecanim Humanoid”. It will include all future animset to be created!
This pack currently includes 23 animset (more than 2300 animations total so far):
Are currently included:
- Basic Locomotion Animset
- Climbing Animset
- Combat Bare Fists Animset
- 1 Handed Melee Weapon Animset
- Fencing Animset
- 2 Handed Melee Weapon Animset
- Sword & Shield Animset
- Wizard Animset
- Bow & Arrow Animset
- 2 Handed Gun Animset
- Assault Rifle
- Bazooka Animset
- Dual Guns Animset
- Minigun Anismet
- Shotgun Animset
- Hostage Animset
- Zombie Animset
- Creature Animset
- Crowd Animset
- Push & Pull Cube Animset
- Dual Swords Animset
- Injured Animset
- Campfire Animset
Check out the animations in a WebGL Player